github zenangst/KeyboardCowboy 3.13.0

latest releases: 3.24.2, 3.24.1, 3.24.0...
8 months ago
  • 🪟 We've just jazzed up the reliability of those window manipulation move commands. Now, they're not just blindly following orders; they're smart enough to consider the size and position of the Dock. Yes, you heard it right, we're talking about a Dock-conscious move command. Isn't that something?
  • ✨ But wait, there's more! The window management commands have had a little facelift. They're not just boring, static commands anymore. No, siree! They've been upgraded to support animations. So, now they're not just efficient, they're also entertaining. We're all about that work-play balance, you know.
  • 🐛 And for the pièce de résistance, we've squashed that pesky visual glitch that was causing window commands to be improperly clipped in the command list. Yes, that annoying bug that was messing with your productivity? Gone! Vanished! No more will you have to deal with improperly clipped commands.

So, there you have it, folks. We've not just made improvements, we've revolutionized the way you interact with your system. So go on, give it a whirl and let us know what you think!

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