github zegl/kube-score v1.0.0

latest releases: v1.18.0, v1.17.0, v1.16.1...
4 years ago

This is release 1.0.0 of kube-score. The project is now used by multiple companies to make sure that their Kubernetes configurations are as secure as possible.

As of writing, the pre-built binaries have been donwloaded 7300 times, the images from Docker Hub have been downloaded 3300 times, and the repository is cloned almost 150 times every day.

The 1.0.0 release indicates that the project is now stable, and will continue to be maintained in a non-breaking way.


  • #147 Values from PodSecurityContext are properly inherited to the container SecurityContext
  • #138 Add support for named ports in the ingress-targets-service check
  • #136 Add check that validates the value of labels
  • #133 Added support for JSON output. Results in the "ci" and "human" modes are now rendered in alphabetical order. Results in "ci" mode without any comments are now always rendered.

This release contains contributions from: Gustav Westling, Manuel Rüger, Matt Glick


  • Download the binaries from the GitHub release page
  • Download the image from Docker Hub: zegl/kube-score:v1.0.0
  • Download the image from Docker Hub with Helm pre-installed: zegl/kube-score:v1.0.0-helm
  • Download from homebrew: brew install kube-score/tap/kube-score

Docker images

  • docker pull zegl/kube-score:v1.0.0
  • docker pull zegl/kube-score:v1.0.0-helm

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