github zeek/zeek v2.6

latest releases: latest, v6.2.0, v6.2.0-rc1...
4 years ago

New Functionality

  • Bro has switched to using the new Broker library for all its
    communication. Broker's API has been completely redesigned (compared
    to the version in 2.5), and much of its implementation has been
    redone. There's a new script-level "broker" framework that
    supersedes the old "communication" framework, which is now
    deprecated. All scripts that ship with Bro have been ported to use
    Broker. BroControl has likewise been ported to use Broker.

    For more about the new Broker framework, see There's also
    a guide there for porting existing Bro scripts to Broker. For more
    about Broker itself, including its API for external applications,

    When using BroControl, the function of proxies has changed with
    Broker. If you are upgrading and have configured more than one proxy
    currenty, we recommend going back down to a single proxy node now.
    That should be fine unless you are using custom scripts doing
    significant data distribution through the new cluster framework.

    A side effect of the switch to using Broker is that each Bro node now runs
    as a single process instead of two. Also, the number of file descriptors
    being polled in Bro's main event loop has been reduced (1 per worker
    versus 5). This should increase the number of workers one can
    use before reaching the common 1024 file descriptor limitation of

  • Bro now has new "is" and "as" script operators for dynamic
    type-checking and casting.

    • "v as T" casts a value v into a value of type T, assuming that's
      possible (if not, it triggers a runtime error).

    • "v is T" returns a boolean indicating whether value v can be
      casted into type T (i.e., if true then "v as T" will succeed).

    This casting supports three cases currently: (1) a value of
    declared type "any" can be casted to its actual underlying type;
    (2) Broker values can be casted to their corresponding script
    types; and (3) all values can be casted to their declared types
    (i.e., a no-op).

    Example for "any"::

      # cat a.bro
      function check(a: any)
          local s: string = "default";
          if ( a is string )
              s = (a as string);
          print fmt("s=%s", s);
      event bro_init()
      # bro a.bro
  • The existing "switch" statement got extended to now also support switching by
    type rather than value. The new syntax supports two type-based versions
    of "case":

    • "case type T: ...": Take branch if operand can be casted to type T.

    • "case type T as x: ... ": Take branch if operand can be casted
      to type T, and make the casted value available through ID "x".

    Multiple types can be listed per branch, separated by commas.
    However, one cannot mix cases with expressions and types inside a
    single switch statement.


      function switch_one(v: any)
          switch (v) {
          case type string:
                  print "It's a string!";
          case type count as c:
                  print "It's a count!", c;
          case type bool, type addr:
                  print "It's a bool or address!";
                  print "Something else!";
  • Bro now comes with a new "configuration framework" that allows
    updating script options dynamically at runtime. This functionality
    consists of three larger pieces working together:

    • Option variables: The new "option" keyword allows variables to be
      declared as runtime options. Such variables cannot be changed
      using normal assignments. Instead, they can be changed using the
      new function "Config::set_value". This function will automatically
      apply the change to all nodes in a cluster. Note that options can also
      be changed using the new function "Option::set", but this function will
      not send the change to any other nodes, so Config::set_value should
      typically be used instead of Option::set.

      Various redef-able constants in the standard Bro scripts have
      been converted to runtime options. This change will not affect any
      user scripts because the initial value of runtime options can still be
      redefined with a "redef" declaration. Example::

      option testvar = "old value";
      redef testvar = "new value";

      It is possible to "subscribe" to an option through
      "Option::set_change_handler", which will trigger a handler callback
      when an option changes. Change handlers can optionally modify
      values before they are applied by returning the desired value, or
      reject updates by returning the old value. Priorities can be
      specified if there are several handlers for one option.

      Example script::

      option testbool: bool = T;
      function option_changed(ID: string, new_value: bool): bool
          print fmt("Value of %s changed from %s to %s", ID, testbool, new_value);
          return new_value;
      event bro_init()
          print "Old value", testbool;
          Option::set_change_handler("testbool", option_changed);
          Option::set("testbool", F);
          print "New value", testbool;
    • Script-level configuration framework: The new script framework
      base/framework/config facilitates reading in new option values
      from external files at runtime. The format for these files looks
      like this::

      [option name][tab/spaces][new variable value]

      Configuration files to read can be specified by adding them to

      Usage example::

      redef Config::config_files += { "/path/to/config.dat" };
      module TestConfig;
      export {
          option testbool: bool = F;

      The specified file will now be monitored continuously for changes, so
      that writing "TestConfig::testbool T" into /path/to/config.dat will
      automatically update the option's value accordingly.

      The configuration framework creates a config.log that shows all
      value changes that took place.

    • Config reader: Internally, the configuration framework uses a new
      type of input reader to read such configuration files into Bro.
      The reader uses the option name to look up the type that variable
      has, converts the read value to the correct type, and then updates
      the option's value. Example script use::

      type Idx: record {
          option_name: string;
      type Val: record {
          option_val: string;
      global currconfig: table[string] of string = table();
      event InputConfig::new_value(name: string, source: string, id: string, value: any)
          print id, value;
      event bro_init()
          Input::add_table([$reader=Input::READER_CONFIG, $source="../configfile", $name="configuration", $idx=Idx, $val=Val, $destination=currconfig, $want_record=F]);
  • Support for OCSP and Signed Certificate Timestamp. This adds the
    following events and BIFs:

    • Events:

      • ocsp_request
      • ocsp_request_certificate
      • ocsp_response_status
      • ocsp_response_bytes
      • ocsp_response_certificate
      • ocsp_extension
      • x509_ocsp_ext_signed_certificate_timestamp
      • ssl_extension_signed_certificate_timestamp
    • Functions:

      • sct_verify
      • x509_subject_name_hash
      • x509_issuer_name_hash
      • x509_spki_hash
  • The SSL scripts provide a new hook "ssl_finishing(c: connection)"
    to trigger actions after the handshake has concluded.

  • New functionality has been added to the TLS parser, adding several
    events. These events mostly extract information from the server and client
    key exchange messages. The new events are:

    • ssl_ecdh_server_params
    • ssl_dh_server_params
    • ssl_server_signature
    • ssl_ecdh_client_params
    • ssl_dh_client_params
    • ssl_rsa_client_pms

    Since "ssl_ecdh_server_params" contains more information than the old
    "ssl_server_curve" event, "ssl_server_curve" is now marked as deprecated.

  • The "ssl_application_data" event was retired and replaced with

  • Some SSL events were changed and now provide additional data. These events

    • ssl_client_hello
    • ssl_server_hello
    • ssl_encrypted_data

    If you use these events, you can make your scripts work on old and new
    versions of Bro by wrapping the event definition in an "@if", for example::

    @if ( Version::at_least("2.6") || ( Version::number == 20500 && Version::info$commit >= 944 ) )
    event ssl_client_hello(c: connection, version: count, record_version: count, possible_ts: time, client_random: string, session_id: string, ciphers: index_vec, comp_methods: index_vec)
    event ssl_client_hello(c: connection, version: count, possible_ts: time, client_random: string, session_id: string, ciphers: index_vec)

  • Functions for retrieving files by their ID have been added:

    • Files::file_exists
    • Files::lookup_File
  • New functions in the logging API:

    • Log::get_filter_names
    • Log::enable_stream
  • HTTP now recognizes and skips upgraded/websocket connections. A new event,
    "http_connection_upgrade", is raised in such cases.

  • A new hook, HTTP::sqli_policy, may be used to whitelist requests that
    could otherwise be counted as SQL injection attempts.

  • Added a MOUNT3 protocol parser

    • This is not enabled by default (no ports are registered and no
      DPD signatures exist, so no connections will end up attaching the
      new Mount analyzer). If it were to be activated by users, the
      following events are available:

      • mount_proc_null
      • mount_proc_mnt
      • mount_proc_umnt
      • mount_proc_umnt_all
      • mount_proc_not_implemented
      • mount_reply_status
  • Added new NFS events:

    • nfs_proc_symlink
    • nfs_proc_link
    • nfs_proc_sattr
  • The SMB scripts in policy/protocols/smb are now moved into
    base/protocols/smb and loaded/enabled by default. If you previously
    loaded these scripts from their policy/ location (in local.bro or
    other custom scripts) you may now remove/change those although they
    should still work since policy/protocols/smb is simply a placeholder
    script that redirects to the new base/ location.

  • Added new SMB events:

    • smb1_transaction_secondary_request
    • smb1_transaction2_secondary_request
    • smb1_transaction_response
  • Bro can now decrypt Kerberos tickets, and retrieve the authentication from
    them, given a suitable keytab file.

  • Added support for bitwise operations on "count" values. '&', '|' and
    '^' are binary "and", "or" and "xor" operators, and '~' is a unary
    ones-complement operator.

  • The '&' and '|' operators can apply to patterns, too. p1 & p2 yields
    a pattern that represents matching p1 followed by p2, and p1 | p2 yields
    a pattern representing matching p1 or p2. The p1 | p2 functionality was
    semi-present in previous versions of Bro, but required constants as
    its operands; now you can use any pattern-valued expressions.

  • You can now specify that a pattern matches in a case-insensitive
    fashion by adding 'i' to the end of its specification. So for example
    /fOO/i == "Foo" yields T, as does /fOO/i in "xFoObar".

    You can achieve the same functionality for a subpattern enclosed in
    parentheses by adding "?i:" to the open parenthesis. So for example
    /foo|(?i:bar)/ will match "BaR", but not "FoO".

    For both ways of specifying case-insensitivity, characters enclosed in
    double quotes remain case-sensitive. So for example /"foo"/i will not
    match "Foo", but it will match "foo".

  • "make install" now installs Bro's include headers (and more) into
    "--prefix" so that compiling plugins no longer needs access to a
    source/build tree. For OS distributions, this also facilitates
    creating "bro-devel" packages providing all files necessary to build

  • Bro now supports PPPoE over QinQ.

  • Bro now supports OpenSSL 1.1.

  • The new connection/conn.log history character 'W' indicates that
    the originator ('w' = responder) advertised a TCP zero window
    (instructing the peer to not send any data until receiving a
    non-zero window).

  • The connection/conn.log history characters 'C' (checksum error seen),
    'T' (retransmission seen), and 'W' (zero window advertised) are now
    repeated in a logarithmic fashion upon seeing multiple instances
    of the corresponding behavior. Thus a connection with 2 C's in its
    history means that the originator sent >= 10 packets with checksum
    errors; 3 C's means >= 100, etc.

  • The above connection history behaviors occurring multiple times
    (i.e., starting at 10 instances, than again for 100 instances,
    etc.) generate corresponding events:

    • tcp_multiple_checksum_errors
    • udp_multiple_checksum_errors
    • tcp_multiple_zero_windows
    • tcp_multiple_retransmissions

    Each has the same form, e.g.::

    event tcp_multiple_retransmissions(c: connection, is_orig: bool,
      		                         threshold: count);
  • Added support for set union, intersection, difference, and comparison
    operations. The corresponding operators for the first three are
    "s1 | s2", "s1 & s2", and "s1 - s2". Relationals are in terms
    of subsets, so "s1 < s2" yields true if s1 is a proper subset of s2
    and "s1 == s2" if the two sets have exactly the same elements.
    "s1 <= s2" holds for subsets or equality, and similarly "s1 != s2",
    "s1 > s2", and "s1 >= s2" have the expected meanings in terms
    of non-equality, proper superset, and superset-or-equal.

  • An expression of the form "v += e" will append the value of the expression
    "e" to the end of the vector "v" (of course assuming type-compatibility).
    "redef v += { a, b, c }" will similarly extend a vector previously declared
    with &redef by appending the result of expressions "a", "b", and "c" to
    the vector at initialization-time.

  • A new "@deprecated" directive was added. It marks a script-file as

Changed Functionality

  • All communication is now handled through Broker, requiring changes
    to existing scripts to port them over to the new API. The Broker
    framework documentation comes with a porting guide.

  • The DHCP analyzer and its script-layer interface have been rewritten.

    • Supports more DHCP options than before.

    • The DHCP log now represents DHCP sessions based on transaction ID
      and works on Bro cluster deployments.

    • Removed the policy/protocols/dhcp/known-devices-and-hostnames.bro
      script since it's generally less relevant now with the updated log.

    • Removed the base/protocols/dhcp/utils.bro script and thus the
      "reverse_ip" function.

    • Replaced all DHCP events with the single "dhcp_message" event.
      The list of removed events includes:

      • dhcp_discover
      • dhcp_offer
      • dhcp_request
      • dhcp_decline
      • dhcp_ack
      • dhcp_nak
      • dhcp_release
      • dhcp_inform
    • A new script, policy/protocols/dhcp/deprecated_events.bro, may be
      loaded to aid those transitioning away from the list of "removed"
      events above. The script provides definitions for the old events
      and automatically generates them from a "dhcp_message" handler, thus
      providing equivalent functionality to the previous Bro release.
      Such usage emits deprecation warnings.

  • Removed policy/misc/known-devices.bro script and thus
    known_devices.log will no longer be created.

  • The "--with-binpac" configure option has changed to mean "path
    to the binpac executable" instead of "path to binpac installation root".

  • The MIME types used to identify X.509 certificates in SSL
    connections changed from "application/pkix-cert" to
    "application/x-x509-user-cert" for host certificates and
    "application/x-x509-ca-cert" for CA certificates.

  • The "ssl_server_curve" event is considered deprecated and will be removed
    in the future. See the new "ssl_ecdh_server_params" event for a

  • The Socks analyzer no longer logs passwords by default. This
    brings its behavior in line with the FTP/HTTP analyzers which also
    do not log passwords by default.

    To restore the previous behavior and log Socks passwords, use::

    redef SOCKS::default_capture_password = T;
  • The DNS base scripts no longer generate some noisy and annoying

    • dns_unmatched_msg
    • dns_unmatched_msg_quantity
    • dns_unmatched_reply
  • The "tunnel_parents" field of conn.log is now marked &optional, so,
    in the default configuration of logs, this field will show "-"
    instead of "(empty)" for connections that lack any tunneling.

  • SMB event argument changes:

    • "smb1_transaction_request" now has two additional arguments, "parameters"
      and "data" strings

    • "smb1_transaction2_request" now has an additional "args" record argument

  • The "SMB::write_cmd_log" option has been removed and the corresponding
    logic moving to policy/protocols/smb/log-cmds.bro which can simply
    be loaded to produce the same effect of toggling the old flag on.

  • SSL event argument changes:

    • "ssl_server_signature" now has an additional argument
  • The "dnp3_header_block" event no longer has the "start" parameter.

  • The "string_to_pattern()" and now-deprecated "merge_pattern()"
    built-ins are no longer restricted to only be called at initialization time.

  • GeoIP Legacy Database support has been replaced with GeoIP2 MaxMind DB
    format support.

    • This updates the "lookup_location" and "lookup_asn" BIFs to use
      libmaxminddb. The motivation for this is that MaxMind is discontinuing
      GeoLite Legacy databases: no updates after April 1, 2018, no downloads
      after January 2, 2019. It's also noted that all GeoIP Legacy databases
      may be discontinued as they are superseded by GeoIP2.
  • "Weird" events are now generally suppressed/sampled by default according to
    some tunable parameters:

    • Weird::sampling_whitelist
    • Weird::sampling_threshold
    • Weird::sampling_rate
    • Weird::sampling_duration

    Those options can be changed if one needs the previous behavior of
    a "net_weird", "flow_weird", or "conn_weird" event being raised for
    every single event.

    The original weird.log may not differ much with these changes,
    except in the cases where a particular weird type exceeds the
    sampling threshold.

    Otherwise, there is a new weird_stats.log generated via
    policy/misc/weird-stats.bro which contains concise summaries
    of weird counts per type per time period.

  • Improved DCE-RPC analysis via tracking of context identifier mappings

    • These DCE-RPC events now contain an additional context-id argument:

      • dce_rpc_bind
      • dce_rpc_request
      • dce_rpc_response
    • Added new events:

      • dce_rpc_alter_context
      • dce_rpc_alter_context_resp
  • The default value of Pcap::snaplen changed from 8192 to 9216 bytes
    to better accommodate jumbo frames.

  • Improvements to ntlm.log to fix incorrect reporting of login
    success/failure. Also, the "status" field was removed and
    "server_nb_computer_name", "server_dns_computer_name", and
    "server_tree_name" fields added.

  • BroControl: The output of the broctl "top" command has changed slightly.
    The "Proc" column has been removed from the output. This column previously
    indicated whether each Bro process was the "parent" or "child", but this
    is no longer relevant because each Bro node now runs as a single process.

  • The DNP3::function_codes name for request 0x21 has been corrected from

  • The DNS::query_types names for resource records 41 and 100 have been
    corrected from "EDNS" to "OPT" and "DINFO" to "UINFO", respectively.

Removed Functionality

  • We no longer maintain any Bro plugins as part of the Bro
    distribution. Most of the plugins that used to be in aux/plugins have
    been moved over to use the Bro Package Manager instead. See for a list of Bro packages currently

  • The "ocsp_request" event no longer has "requestorName" parameter.

  • The node-specific site/local-*.bro scripts have been removed.

  • BroControl: The "IPv6Comm" and "ZoneID" options are no longer
    available (though Broker should be able to handle IPv6 automatically).

Deprecated Functionality

  • The old communication system is now deprecated and scheduled for
    removal with the next Bro release. This includes the "communication"
    framework, the &sychronized attributes, and the existing
    communication-related BiFs. Use Broker instead.

  • The infrastructure for serializing Bro values into a binary
    representation is now deprecated and scheduled for removal with the
    next Bro release. This includes the &persistent attribute, as well
    as BIFs like "send_id()". Use Broker data stores and the new
    configuration framework instead.

  • Mixing of scalars and vectors, such as "v + e" yielding a vector
    corresponding to the vector v with the scalar e added to each of
    its elements, has been deprecated.

  • The built-in function "merge_pattern()" has been deprecated. It will
    be replaced by the '&' operator for patterns.

  • The undocumented feature of using "&&" and "||" operators for patterns
    has been deprecated.

  • BroControl: The "update" command is deprecated and scheduled for
    removal with the next Bro release. Bro's new configuration framework
    is taking its place.

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