github zed-industries/zed v0.85.3

latest releases: v0.141.2-pre, nightly, collab-production...
13 months ago


  • Added support for displaying ESLint diagnostics for JavaScript/TypeScript projects with an ESLint configuration.
  • Added the ability to disable Copilot for specific file paths, using glob patterns. Click 'Hide Suggestions for This Path' in the copilot menu to populate this setting with an initial glob for the current file.
  • Improved Markdown rendering in editor hover popovers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Copilot server would continue to run after qutting Zed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the project panel from being deployed via the mouse
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when going to a definition pointing to more than one location
  • Fixed a big where copilot could get stuck in logged out state.
  • Fixed a bug that caused auto updater to fail.

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