github zed-industries/zed v0.179.0-pre

latest releases: nightly, v0.178.5
pre-release21 hours ago

We introduced a new display mode for Edit Prediction called subtle, which makes predicted text hidden by default and only visible when you're holding a modifier key. To turn it on, open the Edit Prediction status bar menu and select subtle. This can also be adjusted via your settings.json with: "edit_predictions": { "mode": "subtle" }. To read about this new mode, check the blog post.


  • Added support for word-based completions via editor: show word completions. (#26410)
  • Added the ability to filter the list of extensions by category. (#27005)
  • Added support for reading from anonymous file descriptors (e.g., created as part of process substitution) on macOS and Linux. (#26744)
  • Added a setting use_system_prompts. On macOS, you can set this to false to use Zed's in-window confirmation dialogs instead of the system ones. (On Linux, Zed's dialogs are always used). (#26201; thanks Hawkbawk)
  • Git: Added a SelectRepo action that opens the repository selector in a modal. (#26950)
  • Git: Added a new git_hosting_providers setting for configuring custom Git hosting providers. (#26879; thanks khayyamsaleem)
  • Git: Improved the placement of the repo and branch picker popovers in the git panel. (#26950)
  • Git: Improved consistency of colors relating to Git status. (#26951; thanks jakucermak)
  • Git: Synced Git action buttons between the project diff and git panel. (#26938)
  • Git: Removed a behavior where staging the last hunk in the project diff would open the commit modal. (#26939)
  • SSH: Improved handling of multiple @ in connection strings: e.g., ssh improving support of jump hosts running JumpServer. (#25314; thanks ColorFuzzy)
  • Multi-buffer: Improved Expand Excerpt Down so the button stays in place, allowing rapid expansion without moving the mouse. (#27058)
  • Improved Multibuffer design. Multibuffers now use less vertical space for excerpt boundaries. Additionally, the expand up/down arrows are hidden at the start and end of the buffers. (#24428)
  • Improved performance when using the scroll wheel and some other mouse interactions. (#25009; thanks huacnlee)
  • Improved support for extended keyboards on Mac (F20-F35). (#26899; thanks 0x2CA)
  • Improved autocomplete for keymap.json by treating :: like word characters when inside a string. (#26574; thanks KyleBarton)
  • Improved save dialogues for new files to default to the directory you're currently working in instead of the project root. (#22563; thanks CharlesChen0823)


  • Added global marks '[A-Z]. (#25702; thanks AidanV)
  • Added persistence for global (and local) marks. When re-opening the same workspace, your previous marks will be available. (#25702; thanks AidanV)
  • Added sentence marks '( and '). (#25702; thanks AidanV)


  • Copilot: You can now sign into Copilot from assistant settings without making it your edit prediction provider. This is useful if you want to use Copilot chat while keeping a different provider, like Zed, for predictions. (#26689)
  • Copilot: Removed the copilot key from features in settings. Use edit_prediction_provider instead. (#26689)
  • Edit Prediction: Enabled toggling display modes (eager or subtle) directly from the UI via the status bar menu (#26680)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed buffer search keeping focus when pressing enter in vim mode. (#26266; thanks CharlesChen0823)
  • Fixed an issue where navigating code from a preview tab with enable_preview_from_code_navigation set to true, "Go Back" from a newly opened tab could focus on the tab to the right instead of returning to the original preview tab. (#26943)
  • Fixed an issue where selecting the first line in the terminal would cause it to scroll. (#26842)
  • Fixed a bug where context for the terminal assistant would add line breaks in the presence of soft wrapped lines. (#25415; thanks 0xRichardH)
  • Fixed the interaction between auto_reveal, file_scan_inclusions, and .gitignore within the Project Panel. Files that are always included will now be auto-revealed in the Project Panel, even if those files are also gitignored. (#26197; thanks Hawkbawk)
  • Fixed edit predictions appearing in read-only buffers. (#26804; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Fixed attributes in Rust being improperly highlighted. (#26172; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Fixed selection highlight appearing in input fields like the file picker, command palette, etc. (#26805)
  • Fixed auto-paired quotes being inserted when typing a quote immediately next to a word character. (#26803)
  • Fixed a rare case where languages had no associated icon in the language selector. (#26376; thanks MrSubidubi)
  • Fixed an issue where file names with newlines and multi-byte characters could cause a crash in certain cases. (#26791)
  • Fixed an issue where Zed would show macOS native tabs when opening new fullscreen windows on macOS. (#26774)
  • Fixed a bug where editor's outline view wouldn't move the cursor on confirm action. (#26761)
  • Fixed an issue where autocomplete suggestions and diagnostics for languages and (icon) themes in settings would not update when the extension with which they were added was installed or uninstalled. (#26633)
  • Linux: Fixed an issue where Zed would crash on AMD Linux systems when selecting long lines. (#26890; thanks not-my-profile)
  • Git: Fixed git commit messages not being syntax-highlighted. (#26988)
  • Git: Fixed involuntary joining of lines when typing in the commit message editor. (#26953)
  • Git: Fixed being unable to type whitespace after a comment character at the start of a line in the commit message editor. (#26953)
  • Vim: Fixed space not handling non-ASCII characters. (#27053; thanks 5brian)

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