github zed-industries/zed v0.177.4-pre

latest releases: nightly, collab-staging, v0.177.5-pre...
pre-release2 days ago
  • Git Beta: Added support for push/pull/fetch when remote requires authentication. (#25953)
  • Git Beta: Fixed resolution of conflicts from cherry-picks not being reflected in the Git panel. (#26145)
  • Git Beta: Fixed commit font_fallbacks. (#26184)
  • Git Beta: Fixed a panic that could occur when selecting text in one of the commit message editors. (#26186)
  • Git Beta: Fixed a bug where the branch selector would only show for the first repository opened. (#26148)
  • Git Beta: Fixed a bug where discarding a hunk in the project diff view performed two concurrent saves of the buffer. (#26173)
  • Git Beta: Fixed a bug where the repository selector could be too narrow. (#26149)
  • Git Beta: Fixed a bug where diff hunks appeared in the wrong state after failing to write to the Git index. (#26173)

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