github zed-industries/zed v0.129.0-pre

latest releases: collab-staging, v0.174.3-pre, v0.173.11...
pre-release10 months ago



  • Added ability to specify gopls binary path (must be absolute) and arguments in user settings. Example: {"lsp": {"gopls": {"binary": {"path": "/my/abs/path/gopls", "arguments": ["-debug="] }}}}.
  • Added workspace configuration settings support for elixir-ls language server. Those can now be configured by setting {"lsp": {"elixir-ls": { "settings: { "your-settings-here": "here"} } } in Zed settings (#4260).
  • Added more path suffixes recognized as C++.
  • Improved C/C++ support by using user-installed clangd when available.


  • Added built-in tasks for Rust and Elixir files.
  • Added a keybinding (shift-f12) for editor::GoToImplementation.
  • Added support for inserting newlines (\n) and tabs (\t) in editor Regex search replacements (#7645).
  • Added an assistant.enabled setting to control whether the Assistant is enabled.
  • Added the ability to specify no base keymap to allow for a blank slate for custom keybindings.
  • Added a fast-switch mode to the file finder: hit p or shift-p while holding down cmd to select a file immediately (#8258, #8757).
  • Improved efficiency by avoiding formatting and full saving for buffers without changes (#9475).
  • Improved visuals of task lists inside the markdown preview.
  • Improved the clarity of the UI for diagnostic and search result headers.

Bug Fixes

  • Pinned @vue/language-server to version 1.8 until Zed supports 2.x (#9388, #9329).
  • Fixed positioning of popup windows (e.g. when sharing a project) when using multiple external displays.
  • Fixed a bug where channel chat notifications were no longer working.
  • Fixed a bug where right clicking in the project panel's empty region did not produce an action menu (#9723).
  • Fixed markdown preview task list rendering when there was a line break between two list items (#9783).
  • Fixed markdown preview not handling hard breaks (e.g. \) correctly (#8990).
  • Fixed a bug where upgrading an extension did not work correctly if the extension had switched from using an old extension schema with extension.json to the new schema with extension.toml.
  • Fixed a bug where Zed did not respond to the first, focusing, click on the application window (#4336).
  • Fixed alignment of items in the title bar (#9709).
  • Fixed a bug where code completions were overriding text around the cursor (#4816).
  • Fixed a bug where multiple instances of the extensions view could be opened at once.
  • Fixed a bug where tasks could not be used if the user had venv activation (detect_venv) enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where environment variables were being leaked from tasks to the subsequent terminals.

Breaking changes

  • Removed built-in support for Astro, Dockerfile, Gleam, Haskell, Prisma, PureScript, and Svelte, in favor of making them available as extensions. The respective extensions for these languages will be suggested for download when opening their associated file types: .astro for Astro, Dockerfile for Docker, .gleam for Gleam, .hs for Haskell, .prisma for Prisma, .purs for PureScript, and .svelte for Svelte.
  • Renamed the copilot::Suggest action to editor::ShowInlineCompletion.
  • Renamed the copilot::NextSuggestion action to editor::NextInlineCompletion.
  • Renamed the copilot::PreviousSuggestion action to editor::PreviousInlineCompletion.
  • Renamed the editor::AcceptPartialCopilotSuggestion action to editor::AcceptPartialInlineCompletion.

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