github zed-industries/zed v0.119.17

latest releases: v0.174.4-pre, nightly, collab-staging...
13 months ago

🎉🎉🎉 GPUI2 is now on stable. Read the announcement of when it was released on preview here.


  • Introduced Channels - a new mechanism for collaboration. Read the blog post here.
  • Improved UI across entire the application.
  • Added support for dragging and dropping external files into Zed main & terminal panes; support tabs and project entries drop into terminal pane (#486, #1317).
  • Added settings to allow customizing the UI font:
    "ui_font_family": "Zed Mono",
    "ui_font_size": 16,
  • Added a workspace::NewSearch action to deploy new project search tabs instead of focusing on an already-opened project search tab.
    "context": "Pane",
    "bindings": {
        "cmd-shift-f": "workspace::NewSearch"
  • Added code completion & on-hover documentation to Zed's settings.json file.
  • Added a default keyboard shortcut to stop following users by pressing the escape key.
  • Added a way to select items under multiple carets with editor::SelectNext and editor::SelectPrevious commands (#2374).
  • Added a new setting "use_autoclose" (defaulting to true) that lets you disable autoclose per language (#1420, #1903).
  • Added support for mapping jk in vim mode (#2378, #176).
  • Improved file finder to match all gitignored files that were added into worktrees (e.g. due to opening gitignored directories in project panel)
  • Improved * and # to not toggle Zed's search state. Instead we now use the regex to identify start and end of words (more like vim).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed open telemetry log command to actually show the telemetry log.
  • Fixed a bug where Iosevka and other large fonts could cause Zed to crash. (#246, #1745)
  • Fixed missing Ctrl-[ keybindings in Vim mode where Ctrl-[ should act like Esc but didn't.
  • Fixed vim mode not switching to normal mode from visual mode when using search (/) while in visual mode.

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