github zed-industries/zed v0.117.0

latest releases: nightly, v0.143.2-pre, v0.142.6...
6 months ago

We're transitioning Zed to use GPUI2, a new, faster, implementation of our UI framework. For the next few weeks, you'll notice fewer new features from week to week, but we'll still keep on top of serious bugs and issues. Screenshots of the progress can be found here.


  • Added an editor::ExpandMacroRecursively command to expand Rust macros with rust-analyzer.
  • Altered workspace::NewSearch action behavior to always open a new project search view on trigger.
  • Improved project panel auto reveal mechanics: gitignored files are no longer auto revealed; added an auto_reveal_entries = true config option for project_panel; added a pane::RevealInProjectPanel action and a corresponding buffer tab context menu option.

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