What's new:
- Multiple tunnel support for kernel mode
- Override for WG default DNS Ipv4 preference
- Stop kill switch on trusted support
- Limit location querying by auto tunnel
- Various bug fixes and improvements
SHA-256 fingerprint for the 4096-bit signing certificate:
To verify fingerprint:
apksigner verify --print-certs [path to APK file] | grep SHA-256
✨ New Features
- localizations (PR #540 by @zaneschepke)a5229c6
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (PR #542 by @weblate)f3debcf
- disable kill switch on trusted (commit by @zaneschepke)ae665d3
- multi tunnel support (PR #566 by @zaneschepke)1375a46
- add export as amnezia or wg (commit by @zaneschepke)13bb300
- add worker to restart killed services (commit by @zaneschepke)94197c9
- Update Turkish Translation (PR #605 by @mikropsoft)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- back gesture (commit by @zaneschepke)d89870e
- tile titles not localized (commit by @zaneschepke)02dea1e
- include all ipv6 with exclusion of private ipv4 addresses (commit by @zaneschepke)ff97c65
- preshared key should be hidden (commit by @zaneschepke)1b9560b
- light mode text bugs (commit by @zaneschepke)f52efd9
- tunnel tile state (commit by @zaneschepke)3f912ed
- tunnel change restart logic (commit by @zaneschepke)f80af9d
- tunnel state bug (commit by @zaneschepke)8021c13
- proguard (commit by @zaneschepke)e1e7e27
- proguard (PR #590 by @zaneschepke)2534b86
- add back rules (commit by @zaneschepke)a39feee
- proguard rules (commit by @zaneschepke)06de1f2
- tunnel race condition (commit by @zaneschepke)68b41c8
- startup/nav bugs (commit by @zaneschepke)3ea4aea
- improve network status monitoring (commit by @zaneschepke)93d6f8a
- module flavors (commit by @zaneschepke)b014730
- add restart support htc quickboot (commit by @zaneschepke)e220b26
- temporarily disallow start/stop of pinger while tunnel running (commit by @zaneschepke)8860b45
- service manager bug (commit by @zaneschepke)39fc901
- bump deps for dns fix (commit by @zaneschepke)8f2fd93
- improve local logging (commit by @zaneschepke)
♻️ Refactors
- minor refactor of tunnel options (commit by @zaneschepke)0025487
- connectivity monitoring (PR #553 by @zaneschepke)dc3f7fa
- improve service manager (commit by @zaneschepke)3ae9a24
- restore on restart/update (commit by @zaneschepke)2302b47
- tunnel toggling (commit by @zaneschepke)
🔧 Chores
- bump deps (commit by @zaneschepke)01e1509
- bump version with notes (commit by @zaneschepke)