- new note is in decrypted state even if protected, fixes #2291
- fix wrapping of code blocks in note revisions, #2216
- after creation of inverse relation we need to clear the cache, otherwise inverse relations will be created infinitely, fixes #2269
- fix ordering of note contexts, fixes #2283
- fix updating "lastAcceptedEntityId" - can't take last entityChange since they might be reordered based on update order, closes #2277
- fix refreshing ribbon titles upon entity change, closes #2274
- fix note status update, closes #2276
- Update "Sync from Desktop" setup instructions. (#2271)
- increasing amount of text rendered in note previous to 2000 (previously 1000) bytes, #2266
- when saving Saved Search or SQL console, move it to their home (i.e. remove from hidden subtree)
- fix finding note paths of hidden notes, fixes #2262