github zachowj/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket v0.59.0

latest releases: v0.65.1, v0.65.0, v0.64.0...
7 months ago

0.59.0 (2023-11-11)

This release adds several helper functions for areas and devices to JSONata.

  • $areaDevices(areaId) returns all devices associated with a specific area ID.
  • $areaEntities(areaId) returns all entities associated with a specific area ID.
  • $area(lookup) returns an area based on a provided lookup value, or all areas if no lookup value is provided. The lookup value can be an area ID, an entity ID, or a device ID.
  • $deviceEntities(device_id) returns all entities associated with a specific device.
  • $device(lookup) returns a device based on a provided lookup value. The lookup value can be an entity ID or a device name.


  • Add area and device helpers to JSONata (8875d0f)

Bug Fixes

  • Merge existing HA settings before saving (e44cfaf), closes #1147

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