github zabbix-community/helm-zabbix 3.0.0

latest releases: zabbix-5.0.1, 5.0.1, zabbix-5.0.0...
22 months ago

Break change 3.0.0

  • This version removes the possibility to specify database username/password per
    subsection in favor of specifying all of them centrally at one place.
  • Also, the names of the values have changed from upper to lowercase.
  • It is now possible to start the Zabbix Server pods with replicas of more than 1.
    HA functionality of Zabbix will automatically be enabled and it is made sure that
    the database schema publication will only happen once, and not by all of the Zabbix
    server pods at the same time.
  • See file for more instruction

This version solve issues 38, 58 and 60.

Thanks @sa-ChristianAnton for one month of effort and great work with the helm chart. Welcome to mainteners list.

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