Xpatch版下载地址:https://wwe.lanzous.com/b015ll4sb 2333
- Compatible with the latest client, fixing empty download list
- Compatible with the latest blue client, fixing unblock failure and customize theme color failure
- Move the setting menu to the "my" pape in the client
- New feature: automatically like video
- Add Xpatch ver. Non-root user can use it out-of-the-box
- 兼容最新版,修复缓存内容为空
- 兼容最新概念版,修复解锁失败和自定义主题颜色失效
- 模块设置菜单移动到客户端【我的】页面
- 增加自动点赞功能
- 增加Xpatch版,非root用户可以直接安装使用,无需太极和应用转生