github yugabyte/yugabyte-db v2.5.1
v2.5.1.0 (Released Jan 14, 2020)

latest releases:, 2024.1.2.0-b40, PG15_MASTER_MERGE...
3 years ago

Yugabyte Release Notes v2.5.1 Jan 14, 2021

New features

Yugabyte Platform

[#5723] Support for custom CA signed certificates for encryption in-flight
[#5556] Add alerts capability for backup tasks

Core Database

[#6010] YCQL: Cache authentication information
[#4874] YSQL: Backup for colocated databases
[#4899] YSQL: Index backfill unique indexes
[#5982] YSQL: Add support for CREATE TABLE/INDEX ... WITH (table_oid = x)
[#4770] YSQL: Completing feature RANGE Partitioning
Improved Clock Skew Handling
[#6370] Bump default max_clock_skew to 500ms
[#3335] Crash when too big clock skew is detected


Yugabyte Platform

[#5888] Better error for handling when user creates concurrent backup tasks
[#6016] Pre-flight checks for create universe / edit universe / add node operations
[#4183] Add error message for invalid ssh keys for onprem providers
[#5848] Onprem provider creation failure leaves incomplete state behind
[#5652] Improve delete universe handling for failed universes
[#6254] Allow user to input multiple GFlag entries at the same time
[#4843] New Health check for Replication status in 2dc setup
[#6268] Utility script to edit universe json from command line
[#4795] Embed http proxy within yb platform to avoid need for deploying nginx
[#5799] Delete platform code related to dev/debug package installs and EPEL repo
[#6228] Enabling Encryption-at-Rest without KMS config causes Create Universe to fail silently
[#6289] Fixed degraded performance on Live Queries tab caused by huge number of DOM nodes in rows
[#6383] Disabled unused API endpoint: run_query
[#6384] Disabled unused API endpoint: run_in_shell
[#6389] Input validation for kubernetes config path
[#6386] Added input validation for access_keys API endpoint
[#6382] Added UI validation for backup target paths
#6175: Use sudo when removing prometheus snapshots during platform backup
[#6602] Fix TLS directory while provisioning YB nodes.
[#6683] Use a timeout mechanism in that is more compatible with docker's lack of zombie reaping
[#6633] Platform: rename Pivotal to VMware Tanzu, add Red Hat OpenShift cloud provider

Core Database

[#6580] ycql: Log the status when statement fails for system query cache
[#6608, #6609] YCQL: Consolidate authentication error handling and messages
[YCQL][#6374] Upgrade spark-cassandra-connector version to 2.4-yb-3
#5678: [YCQL] Optimize updating non-indexed columns within indexed tables.
[#3329][YSQL] Optimized updates to reflect changes on necessary indexes only
[#5805] [YSQL] Use slots more widely in tuple mapping code and make naming more consistent
[YSQL] Clean up libpq connection code (#6481)
[#6417] [YSQL] Backport 'Skip allocating hash table in EXPLAIN-only mode'
[#6131] [YSQL] Dowgrade permission check for data directory to warning
[YSQL] Bubble up backfill error message (#6292)
[#5805] [YSQL] Don't require return slots for nodes without projection
[#5805] [YSQL] Split ExecStoreTuple into ExecStoreHeapTuple and ExecStoreBufferHeapTuple
[#5805] [YSQL] Error position support for defaults and check constraints
Improvements to 2DC x-cluster async replication
[#6169] Correctly replay write batches with external intents on bootstrap
[#6169] New format for external intents
[#6283] Fix Very Large Metric Lag for 2DC Txns
[#3522] Fix Threading Issues with CDC Consumer Writes
[#6068] Replicate Intents and Apply Messages for 2DC Txns
[#6169] Fix apply order of updated external intents records
[#4516] 2DC: Initial support for colocated databases
Improvements to Tooling
[#6589] docdb: Add option to clear placement info in yb-admin.
[#6223] master UI make hash_split more readable
[#6161] Change modify_table_placement_info to wipe read_replicas and affinitized_leaders
[#5420] ybase: Enhance YMaster admin page to display under-replicated tablets
[#1325] ybase: API for displaying YB version information
Improvements to Tablet splitting
[#4942] docdb: tablet splitting: implemented retries to post-split involved tablets for
#5937: Fixed the case when one of the tablet replicas is down during the split.
#6101 Add the flag to limit number of tablets per table
[#6424] Fix post-split compaction to be async
Improvements to core product security
[#6568] Add flag to force client certificate verification in SSL
[#6266] Replace retry counter with check that data is ready
[#6266] Retry SSL_write on SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE
[#6266] Fix handling SSL_write error
[#6394, #6434] docdb: Speedup system.partitions queries
[#3979] Add Transaction Cleanup to Catalog Manager Create DDLs
[#1258]: Send election request from master during table creation
[#6114] docdb: Add metrics for master YCQL system table
[#1259] Speedup DROP TABLE
[#5752] Avoid starving threadpool with run election tasks from FailureDetector
[#5755] Faster cleanup of transactions that failed to commit due to a concurrent abort
(#5996) Messenger::ScheduleOnReactor should break loop finding reactor
[#6305] Adaptive Heartbeat Reporting
[#6445] docdb: Master should rebuild YCQL system.partitions on a background thread
[#6696] Small master perf tweaks

Bug Fixes

Yugabyte Platform

[#6300] Install of s3cmd fails for default GCP OS image when airgapped
[#6085] Fixed the issue where master is brought up in read replica cluster
[#6416] Deletion with flag --node_ip fails for onprem universes.
[#6614] Fixed NPE with full move
[#6252] Fixed NPE on the metrics page
[#5942] Fixed an issue where release instance is not an option for a node should the install fail because of ssh access
[#6275] Fixed missing stats on Nodes page when universe has read replicas
[#6257] Updating user profile when smtp username or password are empty

Core Database

[#6144] YCQL: Fix handling of tablet-lookup errors in Executor::FlushAsync
[#6570] YSQL: Use IsYBRelation instead of IsYugaByteEnabled
[#6492] YSQL Avoid memcpy() with a NULL source pointer and count == 0
[YSQL] Fix IsCreateTableDone for index backfill (#6234)
[#6318, #6334] Call InitThreading in YSQL webserver process
#6317: [YSQL] Fixed SIGSERV in YBPreloadRelCache
[#6364] [YSQL] Replace CurrentMemoryContext with GetCurrentMemoryContext for all pg_extensions
#6219] [YSQL] PRIMARY KEY index in TEMP TABLE is not checked for uniqueness
(#6284) [YSQL] Clear ALTERING when there's no alter
[#5805] [YSQL] Fix run-time partition pruning for appends with multiple source rels
[#6151] [YSQL] Handle rowmark in case of read with batch of ybctids
(#6270) [YSQL] Prevent concurrent backfill index
[#6133] [YSQL] Fix procedure with an INOUT parameter in DO block
[#6061] [YSQL] ysql_dump should consistently use quotes on column names
#6009: [backup][YSQL] Fixed incorrect column-ids in restored YSQL table if original table was altered.
#5954 [YSQL] Check transaction status after read finished
#6430 [YSQL] Refresh YBCache in case postgres clears its internal cache
#6468 [YSQL] Fix read restarts of request with paging state
[#6435] docdb: fixed handling of empty bloom filter key in the write path
[#6435] Fixed bloom filter index generation for range-partitioned tablets
[#6375] Check against TabletPeer returning null tablet pointer in
(#5641) Fix for --cert_node_filename for tservers and --enable_ysql
[#6318, #6334] Call InitThreading in YSQL webserver process
[#4150] Fix incorrect tracking of flushed/synced op id in case of Raft operation abort
(#6278) Master SEGV during LB due to null TSDescriptor
[#6353] Disable rocksdb flush on all DeleteTablet calls
[#6338] Fix crash with redis workloads and snapshot restore
[#6334] Attach/detach Squeasel threads to/from libcds using callbacks
[#6245] Fixed incorrect restored table schema if the table was altered after the backup.
[#6217] Avoid a possible assertion failure in CDSAttacher destructor in Webserver
[#6170] Shutdown status resolver before destroying it in ResolveIntents
[#6482] Fix timeout handling when getting safe time in a RF1 cluster
[#6635] Fix the wrong detection of communication failure when no operations transferred
[#6678] backup: Fix restore of colocated table with table_oid already set

Known Issues

Yugabyte Platform

Azure IaaS orchestration
No pricing information provided (5624)
No support for regions with zero Availability Zones(AZs) (5628)

Core Database

Advisory on clock-skew
After commit a60a4ae, by default, any YB node will explicitly crash if it detects a clock skew higher than the max_clock_skew flag (default 500ms). This can be disabled by setting fail_on_out_of_range_clock_skew=false, but this could lead to consistency issues! The recommendation is that you ensure clocks are synchronized across your cluster.

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