- Split video by chapters: using option
- The output file of the split files can be set with
using the prefixchapter:
- Additional keys
are available in the output template
- The output file of the split files can be set with
- Parallel fragment downloads by shirt
- Use option
) to set the number of threads (default 1)
- Use option
- Merge youtube-dl: Upto commit/3be0980
- [zee5] Add Show Extractor by Ashish and pukkandan
- [rai] fix drm check nixxo
- [wimtv] Add extractor by nixxo
- [mtv] Add and extract series metadata by nixxo
- [] Add extractor by kevinoconnor7
- [youtube] Rewrite comment extraction by colethedj
- [embedthumbnail] Set mtime correctly
- Refactor some postprocessor/downloader code by pukkandan and shirt