- No longer proxying Twitch homepage autoplay stream
- Added link to the wiki in the extension popup
- Added support for
manifest URLs (new permission required!) - Added "View status of proxies" and "Clear session storage" troubleshooting options (in Options)
- Proxy URLs containing "optimized" can no longer be added under "Proxy all requests"
- Fixed an issue where whitelisting a channel via the extension popup could add multiple entries to the whitelist
- Fixed an issue where only the first playback token request would be proxied (ones after were not)
- Fixed an issue where the Chrome extension would not respect DNS responses TTL (would default to 0)
- Fixed an issue where the proxied count could read "Proxied: 0" even though a request was proxied (usually happens on slow computers)
- Unused proxies are now grayed out in the Options page (e.g. if using "Proxy ad requests only", proxies under "Proxy all requests" will be grayed out)
- Updated the link to the "List of other proxies" GitHub discussion in the Options page
- Optimized the extension's memory usage