Added proxying for third-party Twitch sites (e.g. multitwitch) (Fixes #49) (Fixes #95)
- Your browser may ask you to allow the new permissions for "player.twitch.tv" and "embed.twitch.tv" -- this is normal!
Added link to extension options in popup (Fixes #51)
Added "New update available" notification banner in popup for users of unpacked version (Fixes #82)
Player resets are now limited to 3 per 15 seconds to avoid potential infinite resets (Fixes #78)
"Reset player on midroll" will now properly fallback to normal Twitch stream if TTV LOL PRO script injection fails (Helps with #107)
Upgrade dependencies
Note: The "Inter" font used by the popup and option page is now bundled with the extension. This explains the slightly larger file size.