✨ New Features
- support definitions, transliteration, synonyms for mozhi (closes #460) (commit by @Bnyro)1f80c62
- image cropping tool for OCR (closes #465) (commit by @Bnyro)dd782c4
- simultaneous translation in quick translation dialog (closes #462) (commit by @Bnyro)8930f63
- show previous selected engine if multiple available (e.g. Mozhi) (commit by @Bnyro)44c69d2
- add button to swap languages in translation dialog (closes #466) (commit by @Bnyro)e3952f1
- add lara translate (closes #472) (commit by @Bnyro)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- force single line api url and api key input (commit by @Bnyro)1b6cd20
- mozhi engine error 500 when source or target lang has more than 2 chars (PR #459 by @GitGitro)a169acf
- simultaneous translation support for lara translate (commit by @Bnyro)3335fd7
- tts doesn't work with auto lang detection enabled (closes #458) (commit by @Bnyro)735c27e
- always sort languages alphabetically, no matter the engine used (commit by @Bnyro)
♻️ Refactors
- show error message after failed translation (commit by @Bnyro)ee5c83e
- simplify image crop measures calculation logic (commit by @Bnyro)dfb9354
- unify selected value logic in ListPreferenceDialog (commit by @Bnyro)154446f
- use kotlin maps instead of jsonobjects (commit by @Bnyro)5039ae1
- use String#take instead of String#substring to avoid crashes (commit by @Bnyro)
🔧 Chores
- add 19 missing available languages to the language selector in the settings (PR #461 by @asereze)ae0cdb9
- use arrow icon instead of text arrow in accent color preference (commit by @Bnyro)868ad71
- optimize imports (commit by @Bnyro)540e266
- update default libre translate engine (PR #470 by @vdbhb59)861500a
- bump version to v12.0 (commit by @Bnyro)