github yonaskolb/XcodeGen 2.16.0

latest releases: 2.41.0, 2.40.1, 2.40.0...
4 years ago


  • Improve speed of metadata parsing and dependency resolution. #803 @michaeleisel
  • Improve support for iOS sticker packs and add support for launchAutomaticallySubstyle to run schemes. #824 @scelis
  • Add --project-root option to generate command. #828 @ileitch
  • Add an ability to set an order of groups with options.groupOrdering #613 @Beniamiiin
  • Add the ability to output a dependency graph in graphviz format #852 @jeffctown
  • Adds uncluttering the project manifest dumped to YAML from empty values #858 @paciej00
  • Added ability to name the executable target when declaring schemes. #869 @elland
  • Added ability to set executable to Ask to Launch. #871 @pinda


  • Fixed issue when linking and embeding static frameworks: they should be linked and NOT embed. #820 @acecilia
  • Fixed issue when generating projects for paths with a dot in the folder for swift sources. #826 @asifmohd
  • Prefix static library target filenames with 'lib' to match Xcode. #831, #842 @ileitch
  • Fixed duplicate addition of carthage static frameworks. #829 @funzin
  • Fix handling of SWIFT_INSTALL_OBJC_HEADER when its value is YES/NO. #827 @ileitch
  • Set preActions and postActions on the build action of a TargetScheme instead of the other actions. #823 @brentleyjones
  • Prevent test targets from being set as a scheme's launch action #835 @brentleyjones
  • Implicitly include bundles in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. #838 @skirchmeier
  • Fixed dumping a project manifest which contains an array of project references #840 @paciej00
  • Generate correct PBXTargetDependency for external targets. #843 @ileitch
  • Fix linking of multiple products from the same Swift Package #830 @toshi0383
  • Don't deduplicate files in include with different path but same name. #849 @akkyie
  • Don't link transitive static carthage libraries. #853 @akkyie
  • Optimize simplifying paths for faster project generation. #857 @akkyie
  • Fixed issue where wrapper folders may not include correctly in the generated project. #862 @KhaosT
  • Compile xcmappingmodel files instead of copying bundle resources. #834 @jcolicchio
  • Fixed issue where Complie Sources build phase is generated for resource bundles even when they have no files to compile #878 @nkukushkin


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