github yermak/AudioBookConverter version_3.3
Release v3.3

latest releases: version_6.5.2, version_6.5.1, version_6.5.0...
4 years ago

Implemented enhanchement #27.

After first run of new version application will create a property in configuration file - which is normally located in USER_HOME\AppData\Roaming\AudioBookConverter-V3.
If you know what you are doing you can update filename_format property using StringTemplate. see syntax
Following parameters are currently available:
WRITER - author of the book
TITLE - title of the book
SERIES - book series name
NARRATOR - audio narrator of the book
NUMBER - number of the book in series or number of book part (if you decided to split the book).

Default template looks as follows:

<WRITER> <if(SERIES)>- [<SERIES>] <endif>- <TITLE><if(NARRATOR)> (<NARRATOR>)<endif><if(NUMBER)>, Part <NUMBER><endif>

I think making this parameter configurable via UI by normal user will be more harmful then useful.

If you break the template and conversion does not start - just remove line from configuration file.

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