github yandex-cloud/terraform-provider-yandex v0.123.0

2 days ago


  • mongodb: support host_parameters and update hosts operation
  • Serverless: add concurrency in function resource schema and data source function schema
  • serverless: added execution_timeout attribute to api_gateway resource and data source
  • SmartWebSecurity: New Resource: yandex_sws_security_profile
  • SmartCaptcha: New Resource: yandex_smartcaptcha_captcha
  • SmartWebSecurity: New Data Source: yandex_sws_security_profile
  • SmartCaptcha: New Data Source: yandex_smartcaptcha_captcha
  • compute: add access binding resource for disk resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for disk_placement_group resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for file_system resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for gpu_cluster resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for image resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for instance resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for placement_group resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for snapshot resource.
  • compute: add access binding resource for snapshot_schedule resource.


  • ClickHouse: enable copy_schema_on_new_hosts by default

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