600th version!
Solved crash where city states would try to gift great people without cities
By avdstaaij:
- Fixed captured units not tp-ing out of illegal tiles
By SomeTroglodyte:
- TranslationFileWriter support for CivilopediaText
- Fix Civilopedia Unique auto-linking when Ruleset changes
- Reduce atlas - The Huns was 4x larger than the other nations, and a dirty Hexagon dupe
- Better crude maps - zero uncovered tiles impossible
By xlenstra:
- Added modoptions unique for disabling city-state spawning with only a settler
- Fixed bug where production from cutting down forests could apply to perpetual constructions
Improve River for FantasyHex - By AdityaMH
Fix Hagia Sophia and CN Tower not giving civ 5 bonuses - By logicminimal