github xyzroe/XZG 20240330.1

latest releases: 20240612, 20240610, 20240609.1...
3 months ago

GitHub Downloads (all assets, specific tag)

  • MDNS changed to _xzg
  • MDNS add option "board" for HW indenfication
  • Default hostname changed to "XZG"

Web UI:

  • Fix min-width for system settings tabs
  • Remove auto close side tab on mobile
  • Fix logiut button style
  • WG page to VPN
  • Add Hursanet options to VPN page
  • Add Hursenet card to root page
  • Wifi page to Network
  • Add Ethernet options to Network page
  • Made Ethernet and WiFi card to be hide if interface is disabled
  • Add sticky navbar on top of page with logo, page name
  • Add current DNS server on Ethernet and WiFi cards
  • Add status icons to navbar
  • Root page with realtime updates
  • Mobile:
    • rework side nav
    • open by any swip or tap on logo
    • close by any tap anywhere

Build and develope:

  • Reworked Github Action to suppport multiline desctiption in release notes
  • Reworked, add clean at finish
  • Version number format change



  • Multi board support
  • Full rework configs structure
  • Change config storage from json files on LittleFS to NVS flash Preferences (support migrating)
  • Setup proccess reworked and faster now
  • Changed WG library
  • Add WG connection state
  • Add Ethernet and WiFi custom DNS, when no DHCP

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