github xyflow/xyflow 9.1.0
Release 9.1.0

latest releases: 11.11.3, reactflow@11.11.3, @reactflow/node-toolbar@1.3.13...
3 years ago


We added a new useUpdateNodeInternals hook that gives you the possibility to update the node internals like handles, size, position programatically. Usage:

const updateNodeInternals = useUpdateNodeInternals();

// somewhere in your app

We also added a onEdgeContextMenu prop and it's possible to pass standard html attributes to the EdgeText component now.

  • feat(hooks): useUpdateNodeInternals #916 (3613c7c)
  • refactor(edge-text): allow html attributes as props (2540039)
  • feat(utils): export getTransformForBounds func (1745320)
  • feat(edge): add onEdgeContextMenu handler #943 (0d1d802)


  • refactor(components): always import HTMLAttributes from react (5a36bf6)
  • fix(wrapEdge): use simplified EdgeAnchor component (6ed73fb)
  • fix(wrapEdge): use EdgeAnchors components (443b1ce)
  • fix(wrapEdge): shift edge updater circles positions to not overlap node handles (2f2ba19)

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