github xtaci/kcptun v20240702
Quantum Permutation Pads(updated)

latest releases: v20240705, v20240703
3 days ago

What's New?

  1. Support for Quantum Permutation Pad for quantum-resistent communication, based on the implementation in .
   --QPP                Enable Quantum Permutation Pad for universal quantum-safe cryptography, based on classic cryptography
   --QPPCount value     Number of pads to use for QPP, the more the pads, the more secure, one pad costs 256 bytes (default: 64)

Your could also specify


in your client and server side json file. These 2 parameters must be identical on both sides.

NOTE: It's better to encrypt the message aforehand before tranferring via kcptun if QPP enabled, like making use of HTTPS/TLS/SSL.

  1. Bump from 0.19.0 to 0.23.0 by @dependabot in #944
  2. Added github workflow for docker and dependabot by @itspooya in #946

Building information

$ go version
go version go1.22.4 linux/amd64

$ date
Tue Jul  2 20:26:33 CST 2024

$ ./
Setting GO111MODULE to on
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7c8c7a81bd8b0d0ef3b9d5c91a9705c4c0b4914b  kcptun-freebsd-amd64-20240702.tar.gz
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7de49fddff9ba0948fa392e56a119c416c1bec95  kcptun-windows-386-20240702.tar.gz
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9026c89b8c3d0fed80b3ece62c5a416bcc6416a2  kcptun-linux-arm6-20240702.tar.gz
7b30b83ea712330f8499eecf8d711d0968260c9d  kcptun-linux-arm7-20240702.tar.gz
e335e08a2b96e91e8ab333e18c95f277955f4a70  kcptun-linux-arm64-20240702.tar.gz
982b61ed7bff97b0e576b817ddf1baaeaf1f1161  kcptun-darwin-arm64-20240702.tar.gz
2eacf1f2a7bdf244456bd0ed881df1da811a58b1  kcptun-windows-arm64-20240702.tar.gz
2ea6ad5623089478200c585a0ab07ff1e6c9b9b5  kcptun-linux-mipsle-20240702.tar.gz
8732e12fae619c39fd83aee7a8b2038146e64d57  kcptun-linux-mips-20240702.tar.gz

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