This release mainly focuses on performance improvements across the board.
It especially tackles bad application performance when a lot of connections are present.
- Fix potential issues with terminals spamming restart requests, slowing down xpipe to a halt
- Fix XPipe freezing when many too tunnels were set to start automatically on XPipe launch
- Fix custom SSH connections failing when connection name contained some special characters
- Fix some connections not being able to be added again after being deleted when searching for connections
- Fix some .svg icons missing from the icon list
- Fix some small styling issues
All artifacts are signed by Christopher Schnick (2E21 05AB FDBA C0EB)
Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:
- Windows .msi Installer (x86_64)
- Linux .deb Installer (x86_64)
- Linux .deb Installer (arm64)
- Linux .rpm Installer (x86_64)
- Linux .rpm Installer (arm64)
- MacOS .pkg Installer (x86_64)
- MacOS .pkg Installer (arm64)
If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:
- Windows .zip Portable (x86_64)
- Linux .tar.gz Portable (x86_64)
- Linux .tar.gz Portable (arm64)
- Linux AppImage Portable (x86_64)
- Linux AppImage Portable (arm64)
- MacOS .dmg Portable (x86_64)
- MacOS .dmg Portable (arm64)
Install Script
Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";" "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "15.4"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 15.4