github xpipe-io/xpipe 13.4.1

latest releases: 13.4.4, 13.4.3, 13.4.2...
17 days ago
  • Add ability to set up VNC connection for unconfigured Proxmox VMs as well so that you are not required to set credentials for every VM
  • Fix Proxmox VNC setup action always starting VM even when it was not running before
  • Fix Proxmox VNC setup action sometimes requiring two tries to add VNC entry



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "13.4.1"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 13.4.1

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