Changes in 1.3.1
- Attempt to fix docker socket permission issues by checking the actual socket permissions rather than just user groups.
Accessing docker containers should also now not require elevation when not needed. - Fix LXD container list failing due to unsupported compact format option that is not present in older lxc versions
- Fix storage directory change functionality not working properly and not applying changes
- Fix temporary scripts directory not being cleaned properly on launch
- Set TERM variable to dumb for local shells as well to signal profile files to not use any fancy formatting
- Fix tabby terminal not launching on macOS
- Fix VSCode not launching on Windows when being installed system-wide
- Fix some rare startup crashes
- Many other small miscellaneous fixes and improvements
Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:
- Windows .msi Installer (x86_64)
- Linux .deb Installer (x86_64)
- Linux .rpm Installer (x86_64)
- MacOS .pkg Installer (x86_64)
- MacOS .pkg Installer (arm64)
If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:
- Windows .zip Portable (x86_64)
- Linux .tar.gz Portable (x86_64)
- MacOS .dmg Portable (x86_64)
- MacOS .dmg Portable (arm64)
Install Script
Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.
Windows (Experimental)
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";" "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion 1.3.1"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.
bash <(curl -sL -v 1.3.1