Our first patch release of Xibo CMS 4.2, see the announcement here: https://xibosignage.com/blog/4-2-1-released.
Change Log
There are 26 solved issues in this patch release:
- Commands: ChromeOS missing form the available on dropdown #3588
- Connector: SSP connector is disabled when other connectors enabled state is toggled #3586
- Connector: CAP/NWS connector does not raise the right metrics to trigger an emergency alert via Schedule Criteria #3579
- DataSet: remote dataset column fields do not update #3598
- Displays: adding a teamviewer or webkey link breaks the grid #3581
- Displays: ChromeOS player software packages need to be verified before unpacking
- Layouts: multi-edit tags no saving correctly #3584
- Layouts: scheduling from the layout page throws an error
- Layout Editor: unable to add any elements after resizing an image #3585
- Layout Editor: saving a template from a layout using global elements breaks on import if those widgets have been excluded from the export #3574
- Layout Preview: video has no sound
- Layout Preview: set duration of more than one video is not obeyed
- Playlist Editor: CKEditor is missing #3600
- Schedule: display filter breaks when selecting lots of displays #3583
- Schedule: expand the field size for reminders and critiera
- Schedule Criteria: UI is broken #3601
- Schedule Criteria: improvements to the criteria selection form for Emergency Alerts
- Tasks: MySQL gone away on stats export #3569
- Templates: publish form throws a JS error
- Upgrade: migration failure with MariaDB #3595
- UI: incorrect buttons on the sessions page #3592
- UI: performance improvement rendering the user interface when there are a lot of users/groups in the CMS #3587
- UI: minor fixes to the CMS welcome page
- Widget: stock symbols input is not working for a single element #3591
- Widget: weather element background image does not show on display #3524
- XMDS: CDN file download links removed by mistake #3578