github xerpi/vita2hos alpha-0.2
Alpha 0.2

latest release: alpha-0.3
2 years ago

It's release time!


  • Initial Vita3K shader recompiler support: it translates from GXP (PSVita's SceGxm shader format) to SPIR-V/GLSL shaders
  • Uses UAM - deko3d shader compiler to compile the shaders generated by Vita3K's shader compiler (GLSL for now) to the Switch's GPU format
  • 3D graphics: Initial depth and stencil support
  • Changed PSVita executable path from sd:/test.elfsd:/vita2hos/test.elf
  • Fixed inverted vertical analog sticks axis
  • 3D graphics performance improvements
  • General code improvements

vita2hos uses Vita3K's shader recompiler, and some parts of vita2hos's code are based on Vita3K's implementation. Please, consider donating and contributing to Vita3K!

vita2hos uses UAM (deko3d's shader compiler) to compile shaders. Please, also consider contributing to that project and donating to the developers!



Sample PSVita homebrew:


I've removed the download due to some bugs in this version. I'll release Alpha 0.2.1 soon.

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