What's New in this Release
- GitHub #12001 - "[Bug] Regression in : grid row height is not correctly computed, label is truncated" (#12475)
- GitHub #12175 - "[Bug] CollectionView items do not resize properly when item template is grid (Regression from 4.7 to 4.8) (Android & iOS)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12292 - "Views are clipped when we provide the multi line text (Break from v4.8.0.1143 pre-1)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12363 - "[Bug] Grid inside StackLayout does not respect VerticalOptions FillAndExpand on UWP" (#12475)
- GitHub #12462 - "[Bug] ListView Cell size measurement problem on 4.8.0" (#12475)
- GitHub #12349 - "[Bug] CarouselView items cannot scroll vertically since v4.6.0.967" (#12361)
Issues Fixed
- GitHub #11166 - "[Bug] Xamarin.Forms.Device.Idiom return Desktop instead of Phone while Xamarin.Essentials.DeviceInfo.Idiom return idiom correct" (#11206)
- GitHub #11177 - "Device.Idiom for Android misleading in XF" (#11206)
- GitHub #11703 - "Android textAllCaps no longer works" (#12170)
- GitHub #12001 - "[Bug] Regression in : grid row height is not correctly computed, label is truncated" (#12475)
- GitHub #12175 - "[Bug] CollectionView items do not resize properly when item template is grid (Regression from 4.7 to 4.8) (Android & iOS)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12222 - "[Bug] [MacOS] Buttons don't render correctly when given a HeightRequest" (#12367)
- GitHub #12292 - "Views are clipped when we provide the multi line text (Break from v4.8.0.1143 pre-1)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12312 - "[Bug] WebView.Navigated event not fired when no internet available on iOS." (#12327)
- GitHub #12344/GitHub #12635 - "[Bug] FontImageSource does not work on UWP" (#12362)
- GitHub #12349 - "[Bug] CarouselView items cannot scroll vertically since v4.6.0.967" (#12361)
- GitHub #12363 - "[Bug] Grid inside StackLayout does not respect VerticalOptions FillAndExpand on UWP" (#12475)
- GitHub #12462 - "[Bug] ListView Cell size measurement problem on 4.8.0" (#12475)
- GitHub #12585 - "[Bug] Crash when ContextActionsCell is already disposed but its action sheet is used" (#12586)
- GitHub #12732 - "[Bug] WebView.Navigated event not fired when there is an issue on iOS." (#12327)
Additional fixes included in this release
- "[Android] Fix NRE when trying to access the renderer View" (#12638)
- "Check for Internet Connection before running tests that Require an Internet Connection (#12790)" (#12790)
- "Check TargetPlatformIdentifier for UAP" (#12611)
- "Fix APK to build with Fast Renderer switch when running on CI" (#12640)
- "Fix initial load when WhileEditing (#12765)" (#12765)
See complete release notes here.