github xamarin/Xamarin.Forms release-4.7.0-sr3
4.7.0 Service Release 3

3 years ago

What's New in this Release


Features in Preview


  • GitHub #11132 - "[Bug] [iOS] UpdateClip throws NullReferenceException when the Name of the Mask of the Layer is null" (#11420)
  • GitHub #11265 - "> PaymentTest.UWP.exe! PaymentTest.UWP.App.InitializeComponent.AnonymousMethod__5_0(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) Line 53 C #" (#11271)


  • GitHub #11262 - "[Bug] SwipeView with StackLayout Bindable delete item exception Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.SwipeViewRenderer" (#11279)
  • GitHub #11407 - "[Bug] disposed object. Object name: 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.SwipeViewRenderer" (#11279)

Issues Fixed

  • GitHub #11102 - "[Bug] Shell keeps showing menu button in navbar instead of back button in 4.7" (#11264)
  • GitHub #11132 - "[Bug] [iOS] UpdateClip throws NullReferenceException when the Name of the Mask of the Layer is null" (#11420)
  • GitHub #11244 - "[Bug] BackButtonBehavior no longer displays on the first routed page in 4.7" (#11264)
  • GitHub #11259 - "[Bug] UWP ScrollView Entry's text is blank until a tap on it" (#11351)
  • GitHub #11262 - "[Bug] SwipeView with StackLayout Bindable delete item exception Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.SwipeViewRenderer" (#11279)
  • GitHub #11265 - "> PaymentTest.UWP.exe! PaymentTest.UWP.App.InitializeComponent.AnonymousMethod__5_0(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) Line 53 C #" (#11271)
  • GitHub #11266 - "Overlapping labels" (#11375)
  • GitHub #11407 - "[Bug] disposed object. Object name: 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.SwipeViewRenderer" (#11279)
  • GitHub #11431 - "[Bug] [MacOS] Button BackgroundColor is not working for buttons on Xamarin.Mac" (#11438)
  • GitHub #7856 - "[Bug] Shell BackButtonBehaviour TextOverride breaks back navigation" (#11192)
  • GitHub #8787 - "[Bug] Entry text initially invisible on UWP" (#11351)

See complete release notes here.

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