github xZetsubou/hass-localtuya 3.2.2h1

latest releases: 2024.6.0, 2024.5.0, 2024.5.0.b4...
6 months ago

3.2.2h1 hotfix

  • Fix the reconnecting task.



  • Add an option to configure all recognized devices in the add new device step.

Note: If you use this feature and there are many sub-devices connected to the same gateway, in the first attempt, it may only succeed in adding a couple of them, or perhaps just one. You will have to add this sub-device and then try again.


  • Change entity available logic.
  • Devices will instantly reconnect if it unexpectedly drop connection.
  • Devices will be sorted in alphabet in reconfigure devices step
  • Climate OFF Mode can be removed In climate configure menu.
  • Climate Min and Max temps can be manually set In climate configure menu.
  • Climate: Fix translations for min and max temps configs.
  • Fix a bug where controlling the Gateway causes sub-devices to stop working.
  • Reconfigure devices step now the dropdown list is now sorted in alphabet.
  • Templates now will load without need to restart HA

Auto configure:

  • Added a method to get DP values via cloud otherwise will use default values.
    For now, this will be applied only to numbers entities.

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