github wso2/product-is v5.4.1-update4
WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.1 Update4

latest releases: v7.1.0, v7.1.0-rc2, v7.1.0-rc1...
pre-release7 years ago

The WSO2 Identity and Access Management team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.1 Update4.

What's new in WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.1 Update4

New Features & Bug Fixes: A list of new features and bug fixes shipped with this release can be found here.


You can download WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.1 Update4 from here.

Contribute to WSO2 Identity Server

Mailing Lists

Join our mailing lists and correspond with the developers directly. We also encourage you to take part in discussions related to the product in the architecture mailing list. If you have any questions regarding the product you can use our StackOverflow forum to raise them as well.

Reporting Issues

We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests regarding WSO2 Identity Server through our public WSO2 Identity Server GIT Issues.

~ The WSO2 Identity and Access Management Team ~

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