github wpilibsuite/allwpilib v2023.3.1
WPILib 2023.3.1 Release

latest releases: v2025.1.1-beta-1, v2025.0.0-alpha-2, v2025.0.0-alpha-1...
pre-release20 months ago

Do not update

An update release (2023.3.2) will be made later on 2/5.

This release breaks CTRE simulation.

This is an update release of WPILib for the 2023 season. Notable fixes in this release:

  • Several major NetworkTables bugs
  • ADXRS450 Gyros in C++

Significant new features in this release:

  • SysId CTRE CANivore and Phoenix Pro support

Upgrading from earlier 2023 releases is easy: simply download and run the new installer and it will update your current installation. If you already have the 2023 WPILib vscode installed, it will detect it and you can simply click "next" for that installation step. After installation, vscode will prompt you when opening your robot project whether you want to upgrade it to this version. Note that using the installer is required to get the new version of desktop tools such as Shuffleboard.

The documentation for WPILib is located at (if you have trouble accessing this location, is an alternate location with the same content).

If you're new to FRC, start with Getting Started.

Minimum system requirements have changed for 2023. WPILib requires 64-bit Windows 10 or 11, Ubuntu 22.04, or macOS 11 or higher. Newly supported this year is Apple Silicon (arm64)! C++ teams should note that Visual Studio 2022 is now required for desktop builds. For this release, Mac users will need to have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed before running the installer; we are working on removing this requirement in a future release. This can be done by running xcode-select --install in the Terminal.

If you're returning from a previous season, check out what's new for 2023; be sure to read through this, as a lot has changed from 2022! You will need a new RoboRIO image for 2023; this is available via the FRC 2023 Game Tools. Follow the WPILib installation guide to install WPILib.

If you're starting from a 2022 robot project, you will need to import your project to create a 2023 project. The import process is important, as it will make a number of automated corrections for some breaking changes that happened in 2023. It is also necessary to import vendor libraries again, since last year’s vendor libraries must be updated to be compatible with this year’s projects.

A complete list of known issues with this release can be found here.

WPILib is developed by a small team of volunteers and the FIRST community.

What's Changed






Command-Based Framework








New Contributors

MD5 Hashes

98da461d816db7ea1f943e77a2052dc3  WPILib_Linux-2023.3.1.tar.gz
fcf96e777a0224716d6195cb08d4f5e8  WPILib_Windows-2023.3.1.iso
81c95ef5cc8482851413bed05711b776  WPILib_macOS-Intel-2023.3.1.dmg
f5817bd41ee7862ba4bfef790da00524  WPILib_macOS-Arm64-2023.3.1.dmg

SHA256 Hashes

e876e2804264ff6fcf98117d059671b0d7fdb331210bb3fc9c5931405bfc7b05  WPILib_Linux-2023.3.1.tar.gz
68b5cf8a01d0aff5cd4a9de756e4861b8f450a142d4e72d1650aa7260312c33d  WPILib_Windows-2023.3.1.iso
6059b6f1a9785cd8e951f58417ccc945685364a986cd5554dc0e7b3fc0c83a93  WPILib_macOS-Intel-2023.3.1.dmg
2ec18609a8e6bc1be4c2fde01bccff58e6eb8727f026463607a3abb98fd43d54  WPILib_macOS-Arm64-2023.3.1.dmg

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