github wpilibsuite/allwpilib v2022.1.1-alpha-2
WPILib 2022.1.1 Alpha 2 Prerelease

latest releases: v2025.0.0-alpha-2, v2025.0.0-alpha-1, v2024.3.2...
pre-release2 years ago

Alpha release for use by vendors only.

  • Requires 2022 image (v2.x)


  • /usr/local/frc/bin/ must be edited on the 2022 Rio image (see below) for programs to run
  • Need internet connectivity on initial build (Maven artifacts currently missing from installer)
  • Simulation launching doesn't work
  • C++ tools don't work fix

The last 3 lines of /usr/local/frc/bin/ are:

/sbin/start-stop-daemon --start \
   --pidfile /var/run/natinst/ \
   --make-pidfile --exec /bin/bash -- \
   -l -c "exec $PROG $ARGS 2>&1 | FRC_ConsoleTee | tee /var/local/natinst/log/FRC_UserProgram.log"

The last line must be edited (as admin) to remove "exec", resulting in:

   -l -c "$PROG $ARGS 2>&1 | FRC_ConsoleTee | tee /var/local/natinst/log/FRC_UserProgram.log"

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