github wpilibsuite/allwpilib v2021.3.1
WPILib 2021.3.1 Release

latest releases: v2025.0.0-alpha-1, v2024.3.2, v2024.3.1...
3 years ago

This is an update release of WPILib for the 2021 season.

The documentation for WPILib is located at (if you have trouble accessing this location, is an alternate location with the same content)

If you're new to FRC, start with Getting started.

If you're returning from a previous season, check out what's new for 2021 and jump directly to the WPILib installation guide.

A list of known issues with this release can be found here.

What's New in 2021.3.1 (since 2021.2.2)


  • HolonomicDriveController: Fixed atReference() behavior (#3163), fixed initial heading behavior (#3290)
  • (C++) Added RobotController::GetBatteryVoltage(); this already existed in Java (#3179)
  • Added SimDeviceSim constructor overloads (#3134)
  • Added DoubleSolenoidSim and SolenoidSim classes (#3177)
  • Require non-zero positive value for PIDController period (#3175)
  • Change KOP drivetrain simulation weight to 60 lbs (#3228)
  • Fixed Compressor sendable properties (#3269)
  • FieldObject2d: added setTrajectory() method (#3277)
  • AnalogEncoder: added channel constructor (#3273)


  • Added methods to concatenate trajectories (#3139)
  • (Java) Significantly speed up trajectory loading (#3257)
  • (Java) Added kg-lb conversions to (#3203)
  • Added custom residual support to EKF (#3148)
  • Added pose estimator overload for vision and std dev measurement (#3200)
  • Fixed order of setting the gyro offset in pose estimators (#3176)
  • Fixed typo in quintic spline basis matrix
  • Removed ControllerUtil (#3169)


  • RamseteCommand: Output zero if command is interrupted (#3216)
  • (Java) Change CommandBase.withName() to return CommandBase (#3209)


  • Fixed Ramsete Controller example (#3142)
  • Made DriveDistanceOffboard example work in simulation (#3199)
  • Used more logical elevator setpoints in GearsBot example (#3198)
  • Fixed odometry update in SwerveControllerCommand example (#3310)


  • Added polled support to listeners; Java VideoListener now uses a Java thread (#3133)
  • Added USB camera change event (#3123)


  • Added function for changing HAL Notifier thread priority (#3218)

Glass / Simulation GUI

  • Plots
    • Auto-size plots to fit window (#3193)
    • Show full source name as tooltip and in popup (#3255)
    • Set reasonable default window size (#3261)
    • Don't overwrite series ID (#3260)
    • Fix window creation after removal (#3264)
  • Field2d enhancements (#3234)
    • Added support for pose lists > 255/3 in length
    • Improved drag selection, especially with closely overlapping objects
    • Drag selection of corner now also highlights center of object with smaller circle
    • Added multiple object display styles (box, line, closed line, track)
    • Line and arrow settings (color, weight) are now configurable
    • Added tooltip for object name, index, x, y, rotation
    • Added context menu for pose edit/add/remove
    • Can now view/edit in feet or inches as well as meters
    • Object selectability is now configurable
    • Fixed duplicate names (#3233)
  • NetworkTables
    • Fixed crash on Windows caused by long double arrays (#3242)
    • Fixed setting of empty double array (#3208)
    • String chooser: Clear value of deleted entries (#3178)
    • Don't block GUI when changing settings (#3226)
    • Allow disable of server option in settings (#3227)
    • Added "copy to clipboard" button in log view (#3274)
  • Ensure window will be initially visible on screen (#3256)
  • Sim GUI
    • Make keyboard settings loading more robust (#3167)
    • Added option to show prefix in Other Devices window (#3186)



VS Code




MD5 Hashes

e0c152da3834a22093aa3c475e565a27  WPILib_Linux-2021.3.1.tar.gz
47682d4a782135cc40227cdb40401503  WPILib_macOS-2021.3.1.dmg
b1657cdb177ec7969a1f83500b3ac7ad  WPILib_Windows32-2021.3.1.iso
298d52a77aedea9d50c74d0a8e0fe990  WPILib_Windows64-2021.3.1.iso

SHA256 Hashes

1443a74be28e25d254720532fcad26e1742d5c2830fdf335e72d524bfba72d73  WPILib_Linux-2021.3.1.tar.gz
4e30c81a3e898551d07aff90d7b0f26bdc4cfb646f133c7b904926c7dc29bb2c  WPILib_macOS-2021.3.1.dmg
0d6d9af9c8579fbf0e1c88f8d4596982d28bedd447855573504d462f846ea7e1  WPILib_Windows32-2021.3.1.iso
b56c3b9dd9d26393015c71ede8033ee4b1ec85f65b871a7e6f17258dbc8e54b8  WPILib_Windows64-2021.3.1.iso

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