github wpilibsuite/allwpilib v2021.1.2
WPILib 2021.1.2 Kickoff Release

latest releases: v2025.0.0-alpha-2, v2025.0.0-alpha-1, v2024.3.2...
3 years ago

This is the kickoff release of WPILib for the 2021 season.

The documentation for WPILib is located at (if you have trouble accessing this location, is an alternate location with the same content)

If you're new to FRC, start with Getting started.

If you're returning from a previous season, check out what's new for 2021 and jump directly to the WPILib installation guide.

A list of known issues with this release can be found here.

MD5 Hashes

0cec128110d0a91fd76738f20590a185  WPILib_Linux-2021.1.2.tar.gz
a3bbdc8ac5bd15afdfa37bcfd04f9643  WPILib_macOS-2021.1.2.dmg
ccdef9ab133d08acd924fabf12948a56  WPILib_Windows32-2021.1.2.iso
06ffe5360c06972b5607f4d288035cf2  WPILib_Windows64-2021.1.2.iso

SHA256 Hashes

4ce16d9002674528ffb5b1019fc199d7089886477e08bb5d8bc183915ce2ca25  WPILib_Linux-2021.1.2.tar.gz
15f287032590ca6bd2e50bc7536e021df01658ec1d4eb6f08ebcedcb6db7417c  WPILib_macOS-2021.1.2.dmg
d367e7e4ca0c5cbf3bb5764ccb70c8a62cb64e7692b9af98c752a7f62b609020  WPILib_Windows32-2021.1.2.iso
2a72f16dc2ee098b1871d2ec8ef2ef9baa70f08bf606cada1690c92dae8fe585  WPILib_Windows64-2021.1.2.iso

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