github wormhole-foundation/wormhole v2.24.7
v2.24.7 Go with the Flow

3 days ago

Key Changes

  • This release modifies the Governor security feature functionality such that inbound notional flow (for certain tokens) cancels out the outbound notional flow on that same chain. Details about this change: #3783
  • The governor-reset-release-timer admin command now accepts an optional parameter to reset the governor timer to more than 24h into the future, up to 7 days. Details: #3983
  • NTT accountant support for Lido wstETH emitters added, in preparation to wstETH on BNB via Wormhole+Axelar.

Note on versions

Versions v2.24.4 and v2.24.5 were not proposed to the wider guardian set because of two issues discovered in the flow cancelling governor during testing. These issues were fixed in #3986 and #3990

Version v2.24.6 was not proposed to the guardian set because it did not include the time-sensitive addition for Lido: #3997

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.24.3.1...v2.24.7

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