github wodby/docker4wordpress 5.4.4

latest releases: 6.0.15, 6.0.12, 6.0.11...
5 years ago

Changes since 5.4.3

  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.1.1
  • PHP:
    • ❗️Security updates: 7.3.3, 7.2.16, 7.1.27
    • Xdebug extension updated to 2.7.0 (now PHP 7.3 supported)
    • Global composer package hirak/prestissimo removed wodby/docker4drupal#365
  • NodeJS:
    • Updates: 10.15.3, 8.15.1, 6.17.0
    • Changed directory for npm global packages to avoid permissions issues wodby/drupal-node#3
  • Nginx:
    • Updated to 1.15.10
    • Make extra config be able to work without defaults wodby/nginx#27
  • Solr:
    • Versions 5.4, 6.4, 7.1-7.4 dropped
    • Versions 7.6, 7.7 added
  • Elasticsearch
    • Updated to 5.6.16
    • Added new version 6.7
    • Dropped all versions except latest 6.x and 5.x
    • Base image changed from wodby/openjdk to wodby/alpine
  • Kibana:
    • Updated to 5.6.16
    • Added new version 6.7
    • Dropped all versions except latest 6.x and 5.x
    • Base image changed from wodby/openjdk to node
    • We now use a specific node version requested by Kibana
    • Bugfix: Kibana 5.6 failed to start wodby/kibana#1
  • MariaDB updated to 10.2.23
  • Redis updates: 5.0.4, 4.0.14
  • Varnish now uses X-Real-IP header instead of X-Forwarded-For for Geo IP detection wodby/varnish#18
  • XHProf, Webgrind, Adminer rebuilt against the latest PHP image
  • Apache base image changed from wodby/httpd to httpd
  • Alpine upgraded to 3.9.2 for all alpine-based updated images
  • Makefile improvements:
    • Added make help that list and describe available make commands
    • Added make start command
    • You can now prune individual containers by passing a service name to make prune

Update instructions

Update your .env and (or Makefile) files.

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