github wodby/docker4wordpress 5.2.0

latest releases: 6.0.18, 6.0.17, 6.0.16...
6 years ago

Changes since 5.1.3

  • Bugfix: missing docker-compose.override.yml in docker4wordpress.tar.gz for vanilla WordPress
  • PHP:
    • Patch updates: 7.2.9, 7.1.21
    • WP CLI upgraded to 2.0.0 and now freezed
    • Added bash completion for WP CLI
    • Added rdkafka extension
    • SSH key and crontab can now be added via bind mounts
    • PostgreSQL lib updated to 10.5
    • Bugfix: PHP 5.6 missed GMP library
    • Bugfix: incorrect owner on wodby's ~/.shrc, ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile
    • Bugfix: entrypoint fails when command executed with --[flag]
    • Libraries and extensions versions moved out from env vars
  • Nginx:
    • Nginx updated to 1.15.3
    • Bugfix: overriding log format via $NGINX_LOG_FORMAT_OVERRIDE produced an error
    • Dropped 1.13
  • MariaDB:
    • Patch updates: 10.3.9, 10.2.7
    • ionice no longer used in orchestration actions
    • Bugfix: triggers duplicated while performing db dump orchestration action
    • Bugfix: missing privileges could break import
    • Bugfix: entrypoint failure when mysql invoked with --[flag]
  • Node.js:
    • Added new version 10.9, is now latest
    • Dropped version 9.x
    • Patch updates: 8.11.4, 6.14.4
  • Elasticsearch and Kibana:
    • Rebased to Alpine Linux 3.8 with OpenJDK 8.171.11 (JRE)
    • Added new versions 6.3 for ES and KIbana, now latest
    • For version 6.3+ we now install OSS version of ES and Kibana (without x-pack)
    • Kibana and ES patch updates: 5.6.11
  • Solr:
    • We no longer copy built-in config sets and solr.xml, instead they now symlinked to volume
    • Core directory get deleted when you delete a core via orchestration actions
    • Default config set for new cores creation orchestration can be set via $SOLR_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET
  • Varnish:
    • Image wodby/wordpress-varnish now replaced with wodby/varnish and $VARNISH_CONFIG_PRESET=wordpress
    • External purge now always restricted by purge key
    • Unrestricted purge from the internal network can be optionally enabled (enabled by default)
    • Cache for mobile devices can now be separated or disabled entirely
    • Big files (by default >10M) won't be cached by default
    • Static files cache disabled by default for all presets
    • All varnish-related headers now start with X-VC-, e.g. X-Varnish-Cache is now X-VC-Cache
    • Secondary storage can now be defined for all presets
    • List of static files extensions expanded
    • Analytics/marketing cookies and query params stripped, configurable
    • New env vars to optionally preserve all cookies and query params
    • Query params can be ignored to cache URLs as a single object
    • Purge method now can be changed to regex and exact (respects query params)
    • Hashes and trailing ? stripped from URL before passing to a backend
    • All AJAX requests not cached
    • Error pages 404 and >500 not cached with a configurable grace period
    • Env vars changed for presets (old => new), old variant still supported:
    • Friendly varnish error message by default
  • Memcached patch update: 1.5.10
  • OpenSMTPD patch update: 6.0.3

Update instructions

Update your .env and docker-compose.yml files

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