github wkentaro/gdown v5.2.0

one month ago

🚀 Features

  • Feature: preserve GDrive's last modified time when downloading #351 (Thanks @moulins)
  • Feature: allow folders to be continued more usefully #288 (Thanks @achadwick)

✨ Enhancement

  • Show resume progress bar from the middle #361

🐛 Fixes

  • Use importlib.metadata to get the version number from the installed package #319
  • BUG: Download folder with "skip_download=True" creates an output folder #321 (Thanks @o-laurent)

💬 Other

  • Fix typos in #323 (Thanks @amorehead)
  • Run GitHub Actions on macOS, Ubuntu, and Windows #324
  • Support Windows and macOS in tests #359
  • Typo in arg help text #343 (Thanks @frosit)
  • Trivial: Update the documentation for the output param #347 (Thanks @abouelkhair5)

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