github withastro/astro astro@4.11.2

latest release: astro@4.11.3
2 days ago

Patch Changes

  • #11335 4c4741b Thanks @ematipico! - Reverts #11292, which caused a regression to the input type

  • #11326 41121fb Thanks @florian-lefebvre! - Fixes a case where running astro sync when using the experimental astro:env feature would fail if environment variables were missing

  • #11338 9752a0b Thanks @zaaakher! - Fixes svg icon margin in devtool tooltip title to look coherent in rtl and ltr layouts

  • #11331 f1b78a4 Thanks @bluwy! - Removes resolve package and simplify internal resolve check

  • #11339 8fdbf0e Thanks @matthewp! - Remove non-fatal errors from telemetry

    Previously we tracked non-fatal errors in telemetry to get a good idea of the types of errors that occur in astro dev. However this has become noisy over time and results in a lot of data that isn't particularly useful. This removes those non-fatal errors from being tracked.

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