github withastro/astro @astrojs/vercel@8.1.0

latest releases: astro@5.4.1, @astrojs/upgrade@0.5.0, astro@5.4.0...
one day ago

Minor Changes

  • #13211 7ea0aba Thanks @slawekkolodziej! - Adds support for regular expressions in ISR exclude list

    Previously, excluding a page from ISR required explicitly listing it in isr.exclude. As websites grew larger, maintaining this list became increasingly difficult, especially for multiple API routes and pages that needed server-side rendering.

    To address this, ISR exclusions now support regular expressions, allowing for more flexible and scalable configurations.

    // astro.config.mjs
    import vercel from '@astrojs/vercel/serverless';
    export default defineConfig({
      output: 'server',
      adapter: vercel({
        isr: {
          exclude: [
            '/preview', // Excludes a specific route (e.g., pages/preview.astro)
            '/auth/[page]', // Excludes a dynamic route (e.g., pages/auth/[page].astro)
            /^\/api\/.+/, // Excludes all routes starting with /api/

Patch Changes

  • #13323 80926fa Thanks @ematipico! - Updates esbuild and vite to the latest to avoid false positives audits warnings caused by esbuild.

  • Updated dependencies [1e11f5e]:

    • @astrojs/internal-helpers@0.6.0

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