github withastro/astro @astrojs/prefetch@0.0.2

latest releases: astro@4.11.3, astro@4.11.2, @astrojs/studio@0.1.1...
2 years ago

Patch Changes

  • #3736 bd4dac0e Thanks @tony-sull! - Adds a new @astrojs/prefetch integration with the goal of adding near-instant page navigation for Astro projects. HTML and CSS for visible links marked with rel="prefetch" will be preloaded in the browser when the browser is idle.


    import prefetch from '@astrojs/prefetch';
    export default {
      // ...
      integrations: [prefetch()],
    <!-- Prefetch HTML and stylesheets for the /products page -->
    <a href="/products" rel="prefetch">All Products</a>

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