github withastro/astro @astrojs/markdown-remark@0.13.0

latest releases: astro@4.11.3, astro@4.11.2, @astrojs/studio@0.1.1...
23 months ago

Minor Changes

  • ba11b3399 Thanks @RafidMuhymin! - fixed generated slugs in markdown that ends with a dash

  • #4016 00fab4ce1 Thanks @bholmesdev! - The use of components and JSX expressions in Markdown are no longer supported by default.

    For long term support, migrate to the @astrojs/mdx integration for MDX support (including .mdx pages!).

    Not ready to migrate to MDX? Add the legacy flag to your Astro config to re-enable the previous Markdown support.

    export default defineConfig({
      legacy: {
        astroFlavoredMarkdown: true,
  • #4031 6e27a5fdc Thanks @natemoo-re! - BREAKING Renamed Markdown utility function getHeaders() to getHeadings().

Patch Changes

  • #4008 399d7e269 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Avoid parsing JSX, components, and Astro islands when using "plain" md mode. This brings markdown.mode: 'md' in-line with our docs description.

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