github wireapp/wire-server v2024-12-11
2024-12-11 (Chart Release 5.8.0)

21 hours ago

[2024-12-11] (Chart Release 5.8.0)

Release notes

  • [RabbitMQ events] Notifications are now also sent via RabbitMQ. Therefore RabbitMQ is now a required dependency for Cannon and Gundeck. Cassandra is now a required dependency for Cannon and Background-Worker. Both of them need access to the Gundeck keyspace. These are breaking changes for Charts. (#4272, #4358, #4340)

  • If brig's server values config has the field, the correct value for the personal user to team invitation URL must be set under Otherwise the URL will point to a path under the account pages and therefore a value for externalUrls.accountPages is required. (#4341)

API changes

  • The endpoint POST /teams/:tid/invitations gained a new optional field allow_existing, which controls whether an existing personal user should be invited to the team (#4336)


  • Welcome email for new team owner. (#4333)

  • Added inviter's email to GET /teams/invitation/info endpoint. (#4332)

Bug fixes and other updates

  • Updated nginz config for personal user to team flow (#4334)

  • Freeze API version 7, create new dev version 8. Also update checklist. (#4356, #4356)

  • Fixed config for personal user to team invitation URL template. (#4341)

  • Fixed search index after personal user creates team (#4362)


  • Add a few more swagger descriptions and examples. (#4323)

Internal changes

  • charts/wire-server-enterprise is a Helm chart to run the wire-server-enterprise
    service. This service can only be deployed with an image pull secret (the
    registry is not open to public.) (#4359)

  • [Polysemy] Move email update and remove operations to effects (#4316, #4316)

  • Log uncaught IO exceptions in cargohold (#4352)

  • Updated email templates to v1.0.124 (#4328)

  • charts/galley: Make missing mls keys a templating error. Update MLS docs. (#4369)

  • [RabbitMQ events] New endpoint GET /events for consuming events is added (in API V8).

    • When a client misses notifications because it was offline for too long, it needs to know this information so it can do a full synchronisation. This appears as the first notification in GET /events endpoint whenever the system detects this happening. The next acknowledgement of the message makes this notification not appear anymore until the next notification is missed. (#4272)
    • New internal endpoint POST /i/users/:uid/clients/:cid/consumable-notifications is added (#4272)
    • Connection pooling in cannon (#4348)
    • Add consumers to the draining step on Cannon, in case of termination. (#4342)
    • List queues more efficiently. (#4351)

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