github wireapp/wire-server v2023-01-26
2023-01-26 (Chart Release 4.31.0)

latest releases: chart/5.8.20, chart/5.8.19, chart/5.8.18...
23 months ago

Release notes

  • wire-server helm charts using Ingress resources are now compatible with kubernetes versions 1.22, 1.23 and 1.24 (but remain compatible with older versions of kubernetes).

    If you upgrade to this version of helm charts and/or you upgrade your version of kubernetes while wire-server is deployed, you may find that helm update or helmfile apply/sync gives an error like this:

    Error: UPGRADE FAILED: current release manifest contains removed kubernetes api(s) for this kubernetes version and it is therefore unable to build the kubernetes objects for performing the diff. error from kubernetes: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "Ingress" in version "extensions/v1beta1"
    In which case you can use the helm mapkubeapis plugin to upgrade an existing release with the following command:

    # install plugin version 0.1.0 (more recent may not work)
    helm plugin install --version v0.1.0
    # adjust helm release name and namespace as required
    helm mapkubeapis --namespace wire nginx-ingress-services

    Alternatively, if a few minutes of downtime are not a problem; you can helm delete a release and re-install it again, which will work without the above plugin. (#3002)

  • Upgrade team-settings version to 4.14.0-v0.31.9-0-bf82b46 (#2180)

  • Upgrade webapp version to 2023-01-24-production.0-v0.31.9-0-17b742f (#2302)

API changes

  • The unqualified GET /conversations/:id endpoint has been removed from API v3, and is restored to the previous behaviour of returning a Conversation using the v2 schema. Similarly, its qualified counterpart GET /conversations/:domain/:id now returns a v2 Conversation when accessed through API v2. (#2992)

Bug fixes and other updates

  • Fix pagination in team user search (make search key unique) (#2968)

  • Update inbucket (fake smtp server) chart dependency: The prior version relied on an image that has been removed from docker hub. Thus, our own inbucket chart could not be deployed anymore. (#2998)


  • Add sphinx-copybutton plugin to make copying snippets of code from easier. (#2900)

  • Hook federated API call documentation into (manually). (#2988)

  • Tool for dumping fed call graphs (dot/graphviz and csv); see README for details (#2973)

Internal changes

  • Add Helm chart to configure clusters managed by k8ssandra-operator for test environments. (#2981)

  • Fix kind setup for running end-to-end federation tests locally. (#3008)

  • Fix Makefile target kind-restart-all. (#3015)

  • Add combinators for creating mocked federator responses in integration tests (#3014)

  • Add two integration tests arounds last prekeys (#2694)

  • Fix make clean (#2965, #2978)

  • Make ID tags more readable by expanding abbreviations to full names. (#2991)

  • Unused old swagger code removed from stern and team features (#3017)

  • Refactor Writetime from Int64 to wrapper of UTCTime (#2994)

  • Restructure (#2986)

  • Fixed flaky team user search integration test (#2996)

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