github willowtreeapps/assertk v0.28.0

latest release: v0.28.1
15 months ago

[0.28.0] 2023-12-05


  • Minimum supported kotlin version is 1.9.21
  • Rename isSameAs/isNotSameAs to isSameInstanceAs/isNotSameInstanceAs to make it more clear they
    use are about instance identity, old name is deprecated
  • Rename containsAll to containsAtLeast to make it more clear that the collection can contain additional elements,
    old name is deprecated
  • Bytes are shown as hex on all supported platforms (previously it was only on the jvm)
  • If isEqualTo fails and the expected and actual display the same string, print a disambiguation message, ex:
    expected:<4> with type:<class kotlin.Int> but was type:<class kotlin.Short> with the same string representation

Breaking Changes

  • Binary-breaking change as previous error-level deprecations were removed


  • Added doesNotContainKey assertion for Map


  • Fixed incorrect usage of contains in some kdoc examples
  • Exceptions being swallowed if thrown in a soft assertion block
  • More correctly re-throw fatal error in the jvm

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